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Google Sheets Range Importer Lite (GSRIL)

You will receive a fully functional add-on script with the spreadsheet template to use. 


Download this add-on script to solve import range problems in Google Sheets.


Manage range importing from source to destination sheets without failure and errors with support for importing over 1 million cells every 10 minutes.


Getting started with this add-on script.


Setting up the range importer add-on script.

1. Open the Settings sheet and enter the source and destination range data.
2. Source Spreadsheet URL - This field is where you enter the source spreadsheet link. You can leave this cell blank if the source range is inside the same spreadsheet where the script is activated.
3. Sheet Name - This is the sheet name where your source data is stored. The data from this sheet will be imported into the destination sheet.
4. Range Notation - This is the range notation like A1:B where the importing source range starts from first cell in the sheet and ends at the last row containing data in the column B.
5. Destination Spreadsheet URL - This field is where you enter the destionation spreadsheet link. You can leave this cell blank if the destination range is inside the same spreadsheet where the script is activated.
6. Sheet Name - This is the sheet name where your destination range is located. The data will be copied into this sheet.
7. Range Notation - This is the range notation like A1:B where the data is copied from the source range.
8. Last Updated - This is the date/time at which the sheet was last updated.
9. Update Status - This is used by the script to ensure all sheets are updated in a fair order. Do not add anything here.
10. Error - This column shows any import range errors caused by invalid spreadsheet URL, sheet names and range notations. Do not add anything here. Check this column for errors.

Apply this add-on script to other spreadsheets
1. Go to Tools ➜ Script editor ➜ Copy everything from code. gs
2. Open your sheet ➜ Go to Tools ➜ Script editor ➜ Paste the copied code in code. gs
3. Click on Save icon.
4. Copy the Settings tab from this spreadsheet into your new spreadsheet.
5. Close all open browser tabs.
6. Reload your spreadsheet and activate it with your license.


Activating the add-on with license:

1. Go to ➤ Activation options ➤ ◉ Activate
2. Enter the license key provided to you after purchase.

Features of this add-on script
1. Import data without using any formula.

2. Zero errors during range import.

3. Import large amount of data at once.

Note: There should not be any other script pre installed in the sheet.


📝 Check out more scripts like this.

Google Sheets Range Importer Lite (GSRIL)

$8.00 Regular Price
$7.20Sale Price
  • Please enter your Google email address during checkout.
    Your Google files will be shared and delivered to this email address.

  • Lifetime. No hidden charges.

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